2025 Sunday Worship Services
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3/30/2025 - "The Prodigal" - Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 >
3/23/2025 - "How We May Grow" - Luke 13:1-9 (Sermon only, no service) >
3/16/2025 - "On Waiting for the Lord" - Psalm 27 >
3/9/2025 - "On Being Led by the Spirit" - Luke 4:1-13 >
3/5/2025 - "Thoughts for Ash Wednesday"- Psalm 51:1-19 >
3/2/2025 - "Transfiguration That Brings Transformation" - Luke 9:28-36 >
2/23/2025 - "Golden Words" - Luke 6:27-38 >
2/16/2025 - "Blessed" - Luke 6:17-26 (audio only) >
2/9/2025 - "Gone Fishing" - Luke 5:1-11 >
2/2/2025 - "In The Valley" - Psalms 119:89-94 (Guest speaker: Jamie Haage) >
1/26/2025 - "Fulfilled in Your Hearing" - Luke 4:14-21 >
1/19/2025 - "The Best for Last" - John 2:1-11 >
1/12/2025 - "Waiting Expectantly" - Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 >